Thursday, April 7, 2011


I haven't been posting much lately, I've been too focused on getting the stuff animated. Here's the rundown on what will be occurring with my animation.

I downloaded a model named Moley, a humanoid frog with pants, belt, and a piece sign necklace, who will walk up to the camera and wave high. He will spot a fly buzzing around, and start chasing it around for a little bit, catch it and put it in his mouth. Then, all of a sudden, my MadCat Mech will step on Moley, causing a crack in the ground in which the fly will buzz out of. The camera will then pan up to the Mech, who will continue to walk away, possibly fire off a missile.

Here's Moley rendered at the moment.
And Moley with the Mech, so you can see the scale:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Finished Modeling, on to color/texturing

I successfully modeled the MadCat! I even went as far as inserting the pivot points on all the joints/gear so that everything moves as it should. As the title says, now I'm off to texture the Mech and do some rigging!

MacCat: day two

of course...problems arise

Well, too many problems arose with the elephant, probably due to the extremely high amount of pixels in Maya, SO I decided to do what I do best....choose another (marginally) difficult project. I'll be modeling a MadCat Mech, seen in MechWarrior games, and animate it walking, rotating, raising/lowering guns, and probably another action that's currently undecided. Just like with the horse (tutorials) and my elephant, I'm doing only one side and will mirror it to the other side. Here are some photos so far:


Monday, March 21, 2011

Tutorials & work on model

To go along with the tutorials, instead of working with the model provided I'm working with my elephant to see what I can do on it.