Thursday, April 7, 2011


I haven't been posting much lately, I've been too focused on getting the stuff animated. Here's the rundown on what will be occurring with my animation.

I downloaded a model named Moley, a humanoid frog with pants, belt, and a piece sign necklace, who will walk up to the camera and wave high. He will spot a fly buzzing around, and start chasing it around for a little bit, catch it and put it in his mouth. Then, all of a sudden, my MadCat Mech will step on Moley, causing a crack in the ground in which the fly will buzz out of. The camera will then pan up to the Mech, who will continue to walk away, possibly fire off a missile.

Here's Moley rendered at the moment.
And Moley with the Mech, so you can see the scale:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Finished Modeling, on to color/texturing

I successfully modeled the MadCat! I even went as far as inserting the pivot points on all the joints/gear so that everything moves as it should. As the title says, now I'm off to texture the Mech and do some rigging!